Santhi College Of Nursing

Santhi College Of Nursing
Situated in Omassery, Santhi College of Nursing was launched in the year 2011 with a batch of 31 First-year BSc. Nursing students. It is presently located on the sixth floor of Santhi the parent Hospital and will be soon shifted to its infrastructure at Venappara, presently under construction, about 3 ½ km away from Santhi Hospital. The college affiliated with the Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) is recognized by the Indian Nursing Council (INC) and Kerala Nursing Council (KNC).
It gives students theoretical knowledge and enough exposure to clinical experience. To make them adapt to professional challenges, they are put through an Ice-Breaking Session, followed by Soft Skill Training Program during induction. Besides these, they are provided special language
sessions to improve their communicative skills. Students are also given opportunity to perform co-curricular and extracurricular activities for their ‘All-around’ development. Moreover, students can open up about their personal issues to the mentor assigned. This helps them encounter the difficulties that hinder their progress in academics.